Saturday, May 17, 2014

My Family Culture

Blog: My Family Culture

    The items I would take if I were only allowed to take three items with me to another country with a culture different from my own would be my Bible, my photo album, and my credit card.  I would tell the others that these items would help me remain stable while adjusting to my new culture.  My religion is what keeps me grounded, my photo album would help me retain my memory of my family/culture, and my credit card would help me support my family financially to help us get adjusted to our new life.  However, if I were told I could only keep one item it would definitely be my Bible, because if I am in a culture supposedly different from my own, I would likely not have access to a Bible and my faith is what keeps me centered and focused.  I didn’t realize my religion/faith had such a huge impact on everything about me and that without it, I would not be the person I am today. 



  1. It is good to see that people still believe in the bible enough to list it in the top three things that they would bring with them. I listed my Ipad in which I have the bible downloaded on . It is very moving though to see it listed on your page.

  2. Jana,

    Great post, I liked your three items that you chose. I believe that faith would be what would bring you through the situation. This really made me think about how my life would change and what I would need to be and remain positive.
